
How to prevent...

How to prevent “baldness
The baldness is terrible. If we grow bald once, there is no way to improve the situation.
So, today I wrote how to prevent baldness.
You should read this writing before you regret.

1. Sleep enough
   The cells which grow hairs are activated by growth hormone, and the growth hormones are secreted in 22:00 ~ 2:00. If you stay up this time zone, the growth hormones are not secreted.
And the growth hormones are secreted 0.5 ~ 3 hours after getting a sleep. So the shortness of sleeping also cause baldness.

2. Eat a balanced diet
   If you always eat an unbalanced diet, you can’t get enough nutrition you need to grow hairs. To grow hairs, you must take in protein, which is the main component of hair, vitamin A, vitamin E, which improve the circulation of the scalp blood. The lack of these nutrition cause baldness.
   If you take in too much fat, it cause bad blood circulation and pores are stopped up, which also damage hairs. You should eat vegetables.

3. Give up smoking
   Nicotine which is included in cigarettes activates the central nerves, and then your blood vessels shrink. It cause bad blood circulation, and necessary nutrition doesn’t get to hairs. And carbon monoxide which is included in cigarettes also cause bad blood circulation. Smoking is harmful not only for your health but also for your hairs.

4. Get rid of stress
   Much stress upset the balance between the sympathetic nerve system and the parasympathetic nervous system. If the former works too much, the blood pressure goes up and the blood vessels shrink. And badly-balanced nervous system weaken the function of the internal organs and you can’t take in enough nutrition for hairs. It is difficult to eliminate all stress, but you had better do what you want to do and get rid of stress.

5. Change your hairstyle
   If you always have the same hairstyle, it may cause baldness because the same part of your scalp is exposed. Ultraviolet rays dry the scalp, and then hairs can’t get enough water to grow. Ultraviolet rays also damage hairs themselves. Ultraviolet rays destroy hair cuticles, and hairs come to be sensitive to any stimulation. You should change your hairstyle to prevent only one spot on the scalp from being exposed to ultraviolet rays. But tying hairs like a ponytail can damage hairs and scalp, so you should have a natural hairstyle.

6. Don’t use a hat for a long time
   Using a hat is a good way to protect hairs from ultraviolet rays, but too long use can cause baldness. If you use a hat, your scalp gets sweaty and various germs multiply in the hat. It causes an inflammation on the scalp and damages hairs. If you want to use a hat, you should use the one that breathes well.

7. Dry your hairs after taking a bath
   As mentioned above, sweaty scalp causes baldness. So, you should not leave your hair wet after taking a bath. And when hairs are wet, hair cuticles are apt to be broken. If you go to bed with your hair wet, cuticles can be broken because of pressure and friction among hairs. You should dry your hair with a hair dryer soon after taking a bath.

8. Don’t wash your hair too much
   The scalp secretes sebum, and it protect scalp from the stimulation like ultraviolet rays. But if you wash your hair too much, the scalp secretes too much sebum, and it makes pores stopped up. It is important to keep you hair clean, but one washing a day is enough.Too much washing do more harm than good.

The baldness is terrible, but you can prevent it! Let’s enjoy the life with plenty of hairs! 

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