First, I marveled at the various, beautiful and mystic pictures included in the film. A picture above is one of them. These pictures were built from real photos of the locations. They grabbed me by the throat, and I was drawn into mysterious world in the film.
And in the film, a narrator read about “Wanderers”, which refers to not only planets going around but also ourselves, the human race on the earth. It says we humans wandered on the earth to find long summers, mild winters, rich harvests, and other profit in order to survive in natural selection. And now we go to another new world, space.
But I had a question to hear that. Why should we go to space, out of our planet? In the film, it says we wander in order to survive and appease the indefinable craving for the unknown world.
Should we have to go to space to survive? The answer is no. Maybe our planet will die in the remote future by expanding of the sun, but it’s too far future. We humans can’t make plans with the future in mind and we think only of the present. If we have time to try to escape from the earth, we had better spend the time to make environmental improvements of the earth. It is a better way to live a long life on the earth.
So, do we go to space to appease the craving? Maybe it’s not true either. To avoid misunderstandings, I have to say that I think the craving is one of the reasons to go to space, but not the main reason. We humankind have to have a logical mind. If we conduct ourselves by only desire, it is the time when we resign from mankind, and become just animals.
Why should we go to space? The answer, I think, is because we have to learn and find out the unknown. We humans can’t bear something being unknown. You may say it is the craving, but it’s not true. I said we have to learn, not we want to. There is the big difference between them. If we stop learning and exploration, we will stop thinking, and resign from mankind. We have to wander to keep ourselves humankind by going on thinking. This is the answer to the question.
Whatever reason for the exploration, now we human beings can go to space. We can take pride in this achievement. I wonder whether it will come the time we leave our galaxy…
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