
What I did?

Today, I look back on the To-Do list for my first year at the university, that I posted on this blog before.

I wrote it about 7 months ago, and I didn’t remember the details of the list until I reread a short time ago. I was surprised at the details. I can’t understand what I thought when I wrote this list.

1. Buy some milk by May 19
 Of course, I achieved. I like milk, and I don’t want to run out of milk. But it’s too tifling. No matter how I like milk, I should not have write such a thing on the Internet. No one wants to know that I must buy some milk.

2. Write a paper on chemical bond in a week
 I achieved. The professor requested me at least three sheets of paper, and I wrote 7 sheets in the end. I had other assignments which was not finished, but I wrote more than needed because I came to feel fun to do it. I also finished other assignments in exchange for the time to rest.

3. Buy a pan by the end of the month
 I didn’t achieve. But I didn’t buy it because of my laziness. I realized that a frying pan I had was enough to cook. My frying pan is deep type, and when I tried to boil somen with it, I could. Now I can cook even curry with it.

4. Take a part-time job by the summer vacation
 I didn’t achieve. I failed to do it because of my laziness. If I can say some excuses, I want to say that I was too busy. I studied hard. I was too tired to do more job because of my first time living alone. But some of my friends took a part-time job. So what is bad is my laziness.

5. Get a driver’s license in the summer vacation
 I didn’t achieve. I 
failed to do it because of a little laziness. It’s true that I felt it troublesome, but I thought that getting a driver’s license at that time was not good for my drive in the future. I don’t think of driving a car in my student life. So I should get a license later in order not to forget how to drive.

6. Go to all eating houses in the university
 I didn’t achieve, but I went to 10 of them. The number of the rest eating houses is three. Maybe I can achieve this by the end of this year.

7. Become a regular customer of a restaurant or coffee shop or café
 I didn’t achieve. I only ate out at a chain store of beef bowl. And in the store, I buy meal tickets from the vending machine before ordering. Of course no one remember me. I can’t say the line I admire.

8. Go to an eel restaurant near the university
 Of course I didn’t. It’s too expensive. It is not a place to go, for a student who doesn’t work or earn. I will go there when I graduate.

9. Learn to cook well
 Maybe I achieved. My cooking repertoire became larger, and now I can decide what I cook for dinner at a supermarket, judging from the price of food. But I sometimes feel that cooking is profound. I must learn more.

10. Remember the names of my classmates

 No comment.

11. Learn some one-shot jokes to set the audience laughing with
 I hit on a wonderful one-shot joke, but I don’t have any opportunities to show it. Maybe I won’t have such opportunity in my whole life.

12. World domination
 Never give up! Dreams come true!

There is some time in my first year at the university. Some items may be difficult, but I will make efforts to realize them. To begin with, I will remember the names of my classmates.


If I had a dinner party with my admirable persons

Today, I'll talk about a fanciful party I want to hold.

If I had a dinner party with my admirable persons.

Nicolaus Copernicus
   A Polish astronomer, who is known for the Copernican system. Copernican system is the idea that the earth and other planets go around the sun, and he suggested this idea for the first time. I admire him because he changed the fundamental idea which all people except him believed in. Maybe I can’t do it if I live to be a thousand.

Isaac Newton
   A British mathematician, physicist, astronomer, who is known for the laws of motion. And he made the idea of differential and integral calculus. I admire him because he made the fundamental idea which are used even now. I can’t do any academic thing without Newton’s idea.

Ichiro Suzuki
   A famous baseball player, who is called “Ichiro”. He is called “Wizard” or “Hitting Machine” in America. I admire him because of his numberless records and prizes. He has too many records and prizes to write down here. He is a Japanese hero.

Koichi Wakata
   An astronaut who belongs to JAXA. He has been to space four times for his mission. I admire him because he is a first Japanese person in the middle echelons of NASA. And he has the record of longest stay in space in Japan.

Walt Disney
   An American business magnate, cartoonist, and filmmaker, who created a famous character, Mickey Mouse, and influenced and contributed to entertainment. I admire him because he made many dreams come true. Now nobody don’t know Disney, and many people watch Disney movies, enjoy at Disney land, and love Disney characters.

Steven Allan Spielberg 

   An American film director, screenwriter, producer, and business magnate, who is known for famous movies “E.T.” and “Jaws”. I admire him because he made many wonderful movies. He was awarded a lot of prizes, and his works are watched by many people.

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio

   An American actor and film producer, who is known for “Titanic”, which is a famous film. I admire him because he is very handsome and his works are wonderful. He has been nominated for five Academy Awards and ten Golden Globe Awards and won Golden Globes for Best actor in Drama and the Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy.

Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini
   An argentine professional soccer player, who plays soccer as a forward for Spanish club FC Barcelona and captain the Argentina national team. I admire him because he is very good at playing soccer and his play is attractive. He won an Olympic gold Medal and received the Ballon d’Or four times.

Seating arrangements
I want to make seating arrangements like this picture.

   My partner Chika wants to be seat between Walt Disney and Messi because she admires them the most. She wants to talk to Disney about 
how to make our dreams come true and she wants to be given many dreams. And she wants Messi to tell his successes and his love to soccer. 
   Next to Messi, Ichiro Suzuki will be seat, and they talk about sports. Messi plays soccer, but Ichiro plays baseball, so they will find similarities and differences between soccer and baseball.
   Disney, Steven Spielberg, and Leonardo DiCaprio are engaged in jobs related to movie. They will talk about creating wonderful films. They may make plan for co-created film and ask other participants of this sinner party.
   Koichi Wakata and Copernicus will talk about the space. Copernicus will be impressed and surprised to Koichi’s experiences in the space, and Koichi will thank Copernicus for his works.
   I, Newton, and Copernicus will talk about physics and astronomy. Ideas of Newton and Copernicus are very profitable for study.

Place arrangements
I will hold the party at a restaurant in Tokyo Disneyland to show Disney his job. But Spielberg may be angry as I don’t hold at USJ, which he supervised. I want them to be friends…

Food arrangements
I will serve them with dishes which are connected with them.

1. Gaspacho
Gaspacho is a Spanish cuisine, and the team Messi belongs is a Spanish team. Maybe Messi knows a lot about this cuisine and other Spanish cooking, so I’ll be glad if this dish become a first lead of their conversation.

2. Salmon steak with mousseline source
This dish was served at the real “Titanic”. I don’t know DiCaprio, the leading actor of “Taitanic”, ate it in the filming, but I want him to tell everyone the episodes concerning his experience in the filming. Maybe some of them don’t know anything about Titanic, so I must prepare some pictures of Titanic and tell them about the movie.

3. A selection of space foods
Now I hear space foods are delicious unexpectedly. So I want to serve space foods and ask them whether it is really delicious. Koichi must have eaten them a lot, so I want him to tell everyone about other space foods he have eaten, and impression of old space foods. And I’ll be glad if this dish become a lead for Copernicus and Newton to ask Koichi about his experience in the real space.

4. A selection of sweets of Disneyland
In Tokyo Disneyland, there are a lot of sweets like chocolate, cookie, churros and so on. So, I will serve some popular sweets in Tokyo Disneyland, and if they take to any sweets, I will give it them as a present.

I want everyone to enjoy this dinner party!

By the way, of course I know that there are handsome men who got bald, such as Walter Bruce Willis. I know you, who read this blog, are also handsome.


To space

I watched a short film by Erik Wernquist “WANDERERS”. Today, I wrote the impression of it.

   First, I marveled at the various, beautiful and mystic pictures included in the film. A picture above is one of them. These pictures were built from real photos of the locations. They grabbed me by the throat, and I was drawn into mysterious world in the film.
   And in the film, a narrator read about “Wanderers”, which refers to not only planets going around but also ourselves, the human race on the earth. It says we humans wandered on the earth to find long summers, mild winters, rich harvests, and other profit in order to survive in natural selection. And now we go to another new world, space.
   But I had a question to hear that. Why should we go to space, out of our planet? In the film, it says we wander in order to survive and appease the indefinable craving for the unknown world. 

   Should we have to go to space to survive? The answer is no. Maybe our planet will die in the remote future by expanding of the sun, but it’s too far future. We humans can’t make plans with the future in mind and we think only of the present. If we have time to try to escape from the earth, we had better spend the time to make environmental improvements of the earth. It is a better way to live a long life on the earth.
   So, do we go to space to appease the craving? Maybe it’s not true either. To avoid misunderstandings, I have to say that I think the craving is one of the reasons to go to space, but not the main reason. We humankind have to have a logical mind. If we conduct ourselves by only desire, it is the time when we resign from mankind, and become just animals.
   Why should we go to space? The answer, I think, is because we have to learn and find out the unknown. We humans can’t bear something being unknown. You may say it is the craving, but it’s not true. I said we have to learn, not we want to. There is the big difference between them. If we stop learning and exploration, we will stop thinking, and resign from mankind. We have to wander to keep ourselves humankind by going on thinking. This is the answer to the question.
   Whatever reason for the exploration, now we human beings can go to space. We can take pride in this achievement. I wonder whether it will come the time we leave our galaxy…


How to prevent...

How to prevent “baldness
The baldness is terrible. If we grow bald once, there is no way to improve the situation.
So, today I wrote how to prevent baldness.
You should read this writing before you regret.

1. Sleep enough
   The cells which grow hairs are activated by growth hormone, and the growth hormones are secreted in 22:00 ~ 2:00. If you stay up this time zone, the growth hormones are not secreted.
And the growth hormones are secreted 0.5 ~ 3 hours after getting a sleep. So the shortness of sleeping also cause baldness.

2. Eat a balanced diet
   If you always eat an unbalanced diet, you can’t get enough nutrition you need to grow hairs. To grow hairs, you must take in protein, which is the main component of hair, vitamin A, vitamin E, which improve the circulation of the scalp blood. The lack of these nutrition cause baldness.
   If you take in too much fat, it cause bad blood circulation and pores are stopped up, which also damage hairs. You should eat vegetables.

3. Give up smoking
   Nicotine which is included in cigarettes activates the central nerves, and then your blood vessels shrink. It cause bad blood circulation, and necessary nutrition doesn’t get to hairs. And carbon monoxide which is included in cigarettes also cause bad blood circulation. Smoking is harmful not only for your health but also for your hairs.

4. Get rid of stress
   Much stress upset the balance between the sympathetic nerve system and the parasympathetic nervous system. If the former works too much, the blood pressure goes up and the blood vessels shrink. And badly-balanced nervous system weaken the function of the internal organs and you can’t take in enough nutrition for hairs. It is difficult to eliminate all stress, but you had better do what you want to do and get rid of stress.

5. Change your hairstyle
   If you always have the same hairstyle, it may cause baldness because the same part of your scalp is exposed. Ultraviolet rays dry the scalp, and then hairs can’t get enough water to grow. Ultraviolet rays also damage hairs themselves. Ultraviolet rays destroy hair cuticles, and hairs come to be sensitive to any stimulation. You should change your hairstyle to prevent only one spot on the scalp from being exposed to ultraviolet rays. But tying hairs like a ponytail can damage hairs and scalp, so you should have a natural hairstyle.

6. Don’t use a hat for a long time
   Using a hat is a good way to protect hairs from ultraviolet rays, but too long use can cause baldness. If you use a hat, your scalp gets sweaty and various germs multiply in the hat. It causes an inflammation on the scalp and damages hairs. If you want to use a hat, you should use the one that breathes well.

7. Dry your hairs after taking a bath
   As mentioned above, sweaty scalp causes baldness. So, you should not leave your hair wet after taking a bath. And when hairs are wet, hair cuticles are apt to be broken. If you go to bed with your hair wet, cuticles can be broken because of pressure and friction among hairs. You should dry your hair with a hair dryer soon after taking a bath.

8. Don’t wash your hair too much
   The scalp secretes sebum, and it protect scalp from the stimulation like ultraviolet rays. But if you wash your hair too much, the scalp secretes too much sebum, and it makes pores stopped up. It is important to keep you hair clean, but one washing a day is enough.Too much washing do more harm than good.

The baldness is terrible, but you can prevent it! Let’s enjoy the life with plenty of hairs! 


Pure love story?

I wrote a sketch with my friend. I wrote the first half, and my friend wrote the latter half.
He has great talent as a novelist. Please enjoy!

A dialogue between a married couple


“I’m home…,” said Arnold.

“Welcome back, Arnold. You are too late coming home these days, aren’t you?” said Maria.

“Oh…, I’m sorry, Maria. I had to work overtime.”

“You must be tired. Have you had dinner yet?”

“Already, I have.”

“Hey, Arnold. I told you many times to call me if you eat out.”

“Sorry… I was invited unexpectedly by a coworker.”

“Hmm…, OK. Next time call me ahead.”

“OK. I’ll be more careful from next time.”

“It’s already late. The bath is ready. Why don’t you take a bath?”

“Thank you, Maria. I love you.”

“I love you too, Arnold.”

Zzz. Zzz. Zzz-zzz-zzz-zzz!!

“Oh, I have a phone call… Maria, you can go to bed ahead,” said Arnold, and he tried to leave the room immediately.

“…WAIT!! …Arnold, who is calling?” said Maria.

“Well…, the c,c,coworker I told you about!”

“What’s his name?”


“…Are you cheating on me?”

“No!! You are misunderstanding! Please believe me, Patty!

“…Hey, Arnold. WHO IS PATTY?


“S… sh… she is… my coworker, too! What’s wrong with…”

“Stop, Arnold!! Show me your phone and tell me the truth!! Don’t hide anything!” said Maria so angrily.

“Ok…” said Arnold weakly.

“Well… So who has just called you was not Tom but Patty. And according to the data in your phone, you’ve talked to her on a phone almost every day recently.” said Maria with anger.

“Ok. I’m really sorry that I told you a lie. But trust me! I’ve never dated with Patty and she and I are not in love. Seriously, I love you and I never cheat on you!!” said Arnold.

“Never mention it again!! It’s now obvious that you don’t love me most. You are cheating on me. There’s no escape because ironically, not you but your phone has told me the truth.”

“No! Absolutely no! For evidence, you haven’t found any photo or video which she and I are in!”

“Shut up!! If you don’t stop lying right now, I’ll get ready to divorce you!”

“…….. ok….. I’ll tell you everything…”

“Come on!!” Maria shouted to Arnold.

“I’ve known Patty for a long time. And her full name is Patty Rebecca O’brien.”

“What…? O’brien is our family name!!”

“Yes. Now I’m sorry that I haven’t told you that I’d divorced once before I married you. And Patty is my daughter with my previous wife.”

“Why have you made such a thing secret?”

“I do apologize, but it’s my sad memory and I even don’t want to remember…”

“Hmm… Then why do you talk with your daughter so much even though you don’t take care of her now? Do you still worry her?”

“That may be one reason. But recently, I got a call that my previous wife, who’d taken care of Patty, was killed in a traffic accident. Patty is still 10. She needs a guardian. And I thought if I can be her father again. So recently, I’ve talked with Patty about it and she now agreed with it.”


“But I’m sorry. You know I’m a shy person. So I couldn’t talk about it with you because I thought you may feel bad with it…”

“Arnold… Apparently, your shyness caused my misunderstanding. But I recognized your hard life in past and your kindness. And I sincerely want to accept Patty to my home. I’m sorry for doubting you. But from next time, feel free to consult anything with me.”

“Maria… I love you!!”

“Me too. Arnold!” said Maria and she hugged Arnold.

Zzz. Zzz. Zzz-zzz-zzz-zzz!!

“Oh… now I have a phone call… Goodnight, Arnold.” said Maria.

“Hey… Excuse me, but your screen accidentally caught my attention… Your phone says `John❤’ called you! WHO IS JOHN?


Thesis about artificial bone

   I major in engineering sciences in college. Today, I read a thesis about artificial bone, which I was interested in. It was very difficult for me, but I have finished reading it! So, I wrote a summary of the thesis.

   Our body is supported by the bones from head to foot. But if once a bone is broken or does not engage smoothly ,because of a traffic accident or illness or aging, it will be difficult for us to live a daily life. So, we need “artificial bone” to make up for the fracture. And we also need “metallic material”, which display a small coefficient of friction and fuse itself with bones directly.
   For example, titanium and titanium alloys are capable metals. They don’t react easily on a water solution because their surfaces are covered by titanium oxide (TiO2). But titanium oxide reacts on sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and form hydration gel of sodium titanate. This hydration gel change into the amorphous layer of sodium titanate, which displays the high strength to the loading, with heated at 600℃ for 1 hour. The amorphous layer of this metal elutes sodium ions and draw oxonium ions in the body, and forms a lot of Ti-OH groups on its surface. These groups are combined to calcium ions and phosphate ions, and they form 
apatite”, which is the crystal of hexagonal system. The layer of apatite fuse itself with the surrounding bones, and then work as an artificial bone. 
   The metallic materials,which display the high strength to the loading and fuse themselves into bones automatically like sodium titanate, are called “bioactive metal”. These bioactive metals expected to use as the artificial bones which locate in high loaded place in the body, like human knee, elbow, hip joint, wrist and other joints, or the root of a tooth. They will be a help for a lot of people, who suffer from physical injuries, to live a healthy and cultural life.

I will find a new and high-performance metallic material in the future!!



The last time, Saint Lucia. This time, Afghanistan.

I am interested in Afghanistan, and studied about Afghan food.
Afghan foods are all appetizing. After studying, I came to want to cook them at once. So, today, I wrote about “korma”, a popular stewed cooking in Afghanistan. I will be grad if you make this dish.

Ingredients(for four) 
・cumin       1 tsp
・coriander     1 tsp
・cinnamon     0.5 tsp
・turmeric      1 tsp
・cardamom    6 grains
・red pepper     1 

・garam masala   1 tsp
・salt and pepper  a suitable amount
・garlic(paste)    1 tsp
・ginger(paste)   1 tsp
・yogurt       4 tsps
・onion        2
・chick pea      1 cup
・potato        1
・green bean     1 cup

1. Measure cumin, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom, red pepper, and mix them. 

2. Fry sliced onions in a pan for 5 minutes.

3. Add garlic and ginger to the pan, and fry for 2 minutes.

4. Add measured spices to the pan, and fry for 1 minute to make them give off the good smell.

5. Add cut potatoes, chick peas, and water to the pan. Once the water boils, cover the pan with a lid and stew on low heat for 15 minutes.

6. Add green beans, and stew for 5 minutes with the lid off.

7. Add yogurt and garam masala to the pan.

8. Season with salt and pepper, and stew for 5 minutes.

9. Place on the plate. done!

About korma
    Afghanistan is on the Silk Road, and is a multiracial nation bordered by six countries, Iran, Pakistan, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. So, Afghan food is very various.
    “korma” is one of the cooking which is from foreign countries around Afghanistan. And the word “korma” is derived from Urdo “kormah” which means “Braising”. The cuisine korma dates back to the sixteenth century, originated in Mughal Empire in North India. They ate korma as a palace cuisine, and very few people could eat it. When Babur, who was the originator of Mughal Empire, invaded what is now Pakistan and Bangladesh, korma spread over India and neighboring countries. And how to cook korma was greatly influenced by each countries’ culture, climate, landform, and so on. So, there are numberless recipes of korma around the world. 

    In particularly, in Afghanistan, they use some fruits, chick peas, or yogurt in addition to the ordinary ingredients like onions or spices or meat. Afghanistan is famous for its production of chick peas, and chick peas are often used in Afghan food. Yogurt is also used in Afghan food to make taste mild. When meat is used in korma, chicken and mutton are mostly used because Afghan people are followers of Islam. As there are quite a few vegetarians in Afghanistan, meatless korma is often cooked for them. Korma is eaten with nan bread or palaw (a kind of pilaf) by both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
    Even in Afghanistan, there are also differences of the recipe. As Afghanistan is a mountain country, and tribes living in have weak ties to each other, their cultures (including how to cook) developed uniquely. there are various "korma"
    In the countless of recipes of korma, I chose this recipe because one of my English teacher, who certainly reads this blog, is a vegetarian. He must read other students’ blogs, and when he read other articles about cooking, he can’t make the dish on the blog if its main ingredient is meat. It’s a pity he can’t enjoy cooking. So, I chose this meatless recipe so that he can cook this.

    I want to cook korma, but I can’t, because of the number of spices. For a student, many spices cost too much. If you like cooking, try it!






Trip to the Caribbean ~Saint lucia~

   I’m going to go to Saint Lucia in the West Indies. Saint Lucia is in the wet season from June to November, and sometimes hurricanes come. So, I’ll go to Saint Lucia in March.
   Today, I made the itinerary.
・To go to Saint Lucia, we Japanese don’t have to possess visa, if we have an airline ticket to return to our homeland. So, I have to carry just a passport and the ticket.

・Reserve an airline seat and the hotels and change money into EC$in Japan in advance.(1 dollar =2.7EC$)

・Do not expose skin too much to avoid infectious diseases that are carried by mosquitoes.

・Do not drink tap water, drink mineral water.

・When taking taxis, ask a fare before getting into the car in case there is not a taximeter.(about 10 dollars per kilometer)

・Make arrangements for a taxi at hotels.

・When leaving Saint Lucia, it is necessary to pay a departure tax, 55.00 EC dollars. 

Boarding the 19:15 flight at Narita Airport. Via Los Angeles International Airport and Miami Airport, arriving Hewanorra International Airport on 3/8

In the sky.

At 13:24, arriving Hewanorra International Airport. As I will be tired, I stay in the hotel near the airport.
Hotel: Villa Caribbean Dream (2km from the airport)

Going to Maria Islands, the biggest solitary island in Saint Lucia. Seeing the animals and plants of the island with guides. I want to go there by all means because this area is famous for its marine clarity and its seascape.

Before getting dark, going to today’s hotel, tomorrow’s sightseeing spot.

Hotel: Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa
Taking a rest for my health here. There are restaurant, swimming pool, Water slide, sauna, hot spring, beach, tennis court and so on. And here, I can have a massage, play some sports, enjoy marine sports like sailboat, kayak, surfing. Exactly, “Resort”. I want to go to a resort area like this in my life. Spending a whole day here and feel relaxed.

In the afternoon, leaving the hotel. Going to Mamiku garden, the biggest garden in Saint Lucia. I want to go there because there are some plants which are endangered species or endemic species in the garden, and I want to see them. As a guide will accompany in the garden, I will get much information about the plants.

Before getting dark, going to today's hotel.
Hotel: Lodge Colibri

Going to Dennery beach. Enjoying sunbathing, snorkeling and other marine sports. And here, only Friday night, the event “Fri Fish” is held. Many fish dish are sold in the fishing village. Maybe, I can eat uncommon fish in Japan.


Going to Gros Islet, an area in north Saint Lucia because I want to ride horse. “Island Riders” gives us wonderful experience that we can go everywhere with horse, even in the sea! It must be very fun. I can enjoy beautiful sea and spots of this country by strange way in here.

Before getting dark, going to today’s hotel.

Hotel: Sandals Grande St. Lucian Spa & Beach Resort
Because of my inexperience in horse riding, maybe I am very tired and I can’t go sightseeing this day. So, I should stay in this hotel all day. It has a lot of things refresh and entertain me. I chose this hotel due to the view and great room.

Going to Castries, the capital city of Saint Lucia. Today’s biggest destination of mine is “Derek Walcott Square”. It was named after a Nobel Prize in Literature winner, Derek Walcott who was born in this country. There are his statue, big trees, a fountain, and so on. After visiting the square, I will go shopping if I am not so tired. Today’s hotel is near the square.
Hotel: Poinsettia Villa Apartments

Moving into south area of Saint Lucia. I have two destinations today.
First, going to “Diamond Botanical Gardens”, which has many beautiful tropical flowers, mineral baths and Diamond waterfall. Although this country has many small waterfalls, most of them are in the mountains and difficult to go. But this one is easier to go, so I want to go there.

Second, I want to go where I can do something good for my skin. The place is called “Sulphur Springs”. It is a mud spring including sulphur, iron, deposits of copper, carbon and so on. People say “This spring makes your skin five years younger!” There are places where we can wash the mud away, but because of its component, my body must smell of sulphur after bathing. And we have to pay attention to its very hot water.
Hotel: Anse Chastanet
I want to see world heritage, so I go to “Tet Paul Nature Trail”. Although it is a short hiking trail, I can see “Pitons” during my hiking. “Pitons” are two mountains that is a world natural heritage in Saint Lucia. I can enjoy beautiful nature. And I think short trail is good for me because I may be tired from exercise until yesterday.

Before getting dark, going to today's hotel.

Hotel: QR Quality Rooms Cedar Palm Villa
This hotel is the nearest to the airport I use. If I am very tired, I stay in this hotel.


But if I’m not tired, I can go to some colleges near here. There are International American University College of Medicine and Spartan Health Sciences University.
Boarding the 14:19 flight at Hewanorra International Airport. Via Miami Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport, arriving Narita Airport on 3/20

In the sky.

At 12:35, arriving Narita Airport. Going home.

This is my plan for my travel of Saint Lucia.

This plan costs me a lot.
Airline tickets: 580000 yen (for two)
Hotels, shopping, eating, and others: 380000 yen

I'm looking forward to visiting Saint Lucia!


"If I knew what I know now"

     I have lived my life with much regret. I have a lot of things that I want to change or erase. So, today I write some examples of my regret.
     First, when I was a junior high school student, my table tennis club left good results at a regional tournament, and we went out to play to celebrate our victory. My parents gave me some money to hear that we won the game, so I went out with satisfaction. We had lunch at a restaurant, and went to a game center nearby, and the incident happened. As you know, in a game center, there are “UFO Catchers”. At that time, I had never played “UFO Catcher”, and my friends played it easily, at least it looked easily. So I decided to play it. But it was not easy for a beginner, of course. A premium seemed to fall, but only seemed to fall. The premium didn't fall, and the money my parents gave me was lost in vain. If I had known that UFO Catcher was not an easy game, if anything, it was a difficult game, I would have stopped my play within bounds. Ah, my money doesn't return.
     Second, when I was a high school student, I was a studious pupil. My academic record in the high school became better than that in the junior high school. I studied harder because I was glad that as I studied more, my academic record improved. I spent the first grade and second grade of my high school student life only studying. But unexpectedly, in the third grade, I had exhausted my enthusiasm for the study. At that time, I couldn't study hard as I did previously. But if I stopped studying, my friends didn't stop because it was the time period for entrance exam. So I had nothing to do but studying. As a result, I wasted my school life. I didn't know that my school life was only once. I didn't know that there were important things as well as studying. I didn't know that nothing would change in the college if I studied. If I had known these things at that time, my life would have changed dramatically.
     Third, after I graduated the high school, I went to a phone shop because my cell phone was old. I had used it for three years. A shop assistant recommended “Smart Phone”. I planned to buy a feature phone as I used previously, but I wanted smart phone. So I asked the price of smart phone. The answer was “it costs more than six thousand yen a month.” I was surprised to hear that. The price was three times higher than the price of my feature phone. I was worried which one I should buy. At last, I decided to buy a feature phone. Cheapness was justice. But I regret my decision now. In the university, my classmates make contact with each other by using the application “LINE”. And in some lectures of the university, they call the roll on the Internet, but I can’t attend with my feature phone. If I had known that smart phone is indispensable for a university student, I would have bought it.
     I have lived my life with much regret. I have a lot of things that I want to change or erase. But I live my life pleasantly. I will continue to do my best.



  I read an article, Good night’s sleep ‘protects heart’  I wrote a summary of this article and reviewed.

   A research conducted by a team in the Netherlands says enough sleep help us to avoid dying from heart disease or strokes. They did a follow-up survey in more than 14000 people, and found that people who slept enough and followed all four behaviors – taking some exercise, eating healthful diet, drinking moderately, and not smoking are less likely to die from heart disease or strokes than those who didn't do it. The important point of this study is that we should consider sleep as a significant element for our healthy life and must not make light of it.

   I was shocked at this article, because I sleep less than five hours every day, and it says more than seven hours sleep benefits to the heart of a healthy lifestyle. After entering the college, I’m very busy with a lot of assignments. So, more than seven hours sleep is next to impossible. To make matters worse, I don’t exercise very often, and compared to before, my diet became unbalanced because of my living alone. If I drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes, I would die from heart disease and strokes in the worst-case. This article made me think that I must adopt a good lifestyle to avoid a sudden death. First of all, I will finish assignments to go to bed early. (In fact, I’m writing this blog post at midnight past 1:00.)
   By the way, I don’t think that we regard sleep as important, as it is written in the article. It seems that Japanese college students especially make light of sleep. They often boast of their lack of sleep. They say, “Hey!! You know what? I slept only 2 hours last night!! I’m terribly sleepy now!! Hahaha! Hey, do you listening to me? I said I slept only 2 hours!! UREYYYY!! ” Frankly speaking, it’s annoying…. If you can’t understand my feeling, please look at these pictures. “寝てない自慢” Do you understand now?
   I’m wandering from the subject. In conclusion, we should sleep enough. That’s all. So, if you are reading this blog late at night, go to bed. I will do it after finishing my assignments…

Don't misunderstand me. I don't boast of my lack of sleep in this blog post. 


To-Do list made me feel sadness....

  Today, I made a To-Do list for my first year at the university.
As the number increases, a more far-off future is written. 

  1. I must buy some milk tomorrow. I drink milk every day, and I am out of milk now. 
  2. I must write a paper on chemical bond and hand in it this week.  And I have some other assignments, but almost all of them are not finished. Oh... I should think about these things, not about my future..... 
  3. I want to buy a pan by the end of this month. Now I'm cooking with a frying pan. If I have a pan, I can cook curry, ramen, udon, soba, spaghetti, soup, boiled egg and so on. In summer, I want to eat somen, thin wheat noodle. Somen bring me the real feeling of summer. So I must buy a pan before it is getting hot. 
  4. I want to take a part-time job by the summer vacation this year. Now, I don’t work a part-time job and live on the allowance my parents send to me. Due to my entering the university and living alone, my family is having a hard time making ends meet. So, I’m trying all sorts of ways to manage to make ends meet. But I don’t want to be troubled any more about my food expenses, like, “this lunch set is 450yen and that one is 400yen. Former looks good, but the difference of 50yen is very important. Oh, that soba is only 200yen!! Ummm… but it looks too little. I’m hungry now. Ah, what should I eat? ” I want to eat what I like
  5.  In the summer vacation, I want to obtain a driver’s license. I don’t need it now, but I think that as I move up to the next-year class, I will have less and less time to obtain it. If it is possible, I don’t want to drive a car. It costs a lot to maintain, and obtaining the license is also costs a lot. Driving a car is dangerous to both driver and passers-by. I can’t take responsibility even if I cause an accident. A bicycle is enough for me to live a daily life. 
  6. After the summer vacation, I want to go to all eating houses in the university. In the university, there are thirteen eating houses, and I have been to three of them. I want to compare the taste, volume, price, the number of meals, the size of floor, the number of seats, whether there are seats for one person’s use, and waiting time. The most important thing is price, of course. There is the difference in the way to order, by ticket or by words of mouth or self-service. So, to remember the rules of each place is a little troublesome. 
  7. I want to be a regular customer of a restaurant or coffee shop or café, and get to know the owner. And I want to say, “Hey, Mr, Please give me what I always order”.  It’s very cool. I desire to do it. If I can do it, I will feel, “Oh, I became a grown-up…” 
  8. Near the university, there is an eel (unagi) restaurant. As you know, eels are very, very, very expensive. The eel restaurant is not a place to go, for a student. But I want to go to the restaurant. I love eels. Taste, smell, appearance, all things of eel is great. It’s perfect…. It’s perfect if its price is a little lower. I want to eat at the restaurant at least once this year. 
  9. I want to learn to cook well. If I can cook well, I will be able to do, like “Ah, today, ○○○○ and ×××× is inexpensive. So I should buy some △△△△ and □□□□. Dinner is ~~~~ tonight.” Now, I am always troubled about dinner. What should I cook tonight? I want to have a large repertoire and get a cooking skill to materialize it. 
  10. I must remember the names of my classmates. I should do it, but it’s too difficult. Sorry, my classmates... I will try it. 
  11. Near the end of the year, I will have some opportunities to eat out with my friends. I will. think I will… So, I must learn some one-shot jokes which can set the audience laughing with. If I can do it, there is no doubt that I will be a popular person. Maybe… Before learning one-shot jokes, I should make more friends. Oh….. 
  12. I want to take over the world. In other word, “World domination”. You will think it impossible, and I think it impossible too. Of course, I can’t do it in my whole life, much less in this year. But we should not forget to dream. Is there a chance that I take over the world?            ……..there is no chance.

  I will do my best!!


"Acronym introduction"

Hi, my name is Masanari Sakato. I'll introduce myself by using my name as acronym.
I'll be very happy if you remember me.

S Saitama
    I’m from Saitama in Japan. It is often said that Saitama is the most boring prefecture in Japan, but the natural environment has been preserved there, and it is easy to go to Tokyo from there. So, Saitama is a good place to live in.
A   Active
     I’m active only in my house. When I am out, I’m very quiet. However, when I’m home, I often sing, dance, or get some exercise, of course by myself. My families sometimes say, “Calm down!” But they say “What’s up?” when I am quiet. What should I do?
K   Kindle
     Kindle is a tablet to read electronic books. I like reading. So, I’m interested in Kindle. I have never read electronic books. I wonder whether they are good. But I think reading electronic books tire the eyes.
A   Astronaut
     I wanted to be an astronaut in my childhood. I wanted to make friends with creatures from outer space like “ET”. I gave up my dream because my eyesight weakened. I wish aliens came to see me.
T   Tomato
     Tomatoes are special product of my city. To my surprise, tomatoes are ingredients of sweets or cakes in my city. Imagine that you are eating a cake containing cherry tomatoes. I like tomatoes, but I can’t accept that tomatoes are used to make something sweet. If used, I want them to be mashed at least.
O   Othello
     “Othello” is Japanese English. It is a kind of board game. Not the main character in the play by Shakespeare. I like this game. I always enjoy this game with computer by myself. I have been losing lately.

M   Motto
      My motto is a saying “Time is money”. It means that you must not waste your time because time is very precious. If time is money, I want to buy time. I accept paying 50 dollars for an hour. I wish one day became 30 hours. 
A   Author
     I like reading, but I don’t think that I’d like to see the authors of my favorite books. I like the stories created by them, not themselves. The reason why I came to think as such is my experience. When I was a junior high school student, I saw an author of a book I liked on television by chance, and I felt that the way he spoke was affected and he was disagreeable. After that, I couldn’t read his book as before. Whenever I read the book, I recalled its author and felt irritated. The story was amusing, but I became reluctant to read it. Not all authors are unpleasant. Luck was against me.
S   Sleeping
     I like sleeping. No, I love sleeping. The other day, I tried not setting an alarm clock. I went to bed at 24:00, the next day, I got up at 13:30. I surprised myself.
A   Antiquated
     “Antiquated” means old-fashioned and not suitable for modern needs or condition. I don’t have smart phone, iPod, video game, portable game and so on. I have a cell phone and PC. I do with them. It’s enough for me.
N   Nickname
     Few people gave me a nickname. One of the few nicknames, for example, “kakato”. In English, “heel”.  I have never gotten a friendly nickname. I think “kakato” is unfriendly. Please give me a nice nickname. 
A   Animal
     I like animals. Dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, any animals. But they don’t like me. If I approach them, dogs bark, cats ruffle their fur, everybody is offensive and hostile. Why? Why are they so unfriendly? I can accept that they run away, so at least don’t be aggressive.
R   Reading
     My hobby is reading. I read anything, but I especially like romance novels. Now, I’m reading “Aesop’s Fables”. I found this book at a library and remembered that I had read a picture book of this story in my childhood, and I borrowed this book. Now I got different impression from what I had gotten in the past. After finishing reading this, I’m going to read “Salome” written by Wilde.
I   Introduction
    My weak point is introducing myself. This self-introduction took me three hours. Five “A” troubled me. I still have what I want to write, but let me conclude my introduction with this. Thank you for everything.